In today's digital world, data in all shapes and sizes is a big part of our everyday life. As a society we embrace this "new world" and thrive
because data (information) helps us make better decisions and in many ways enriches our lives. Sometimes however we need to organize or "filter"
it before we can reap the benefits provided by this information. This is as much true for our personal life (our contacts, digital photos, music files etc.)
as for business related activities (customer list, inventory information etc). Custom DataWorks recognizes this need for data organization and helps its
clients to embrace and streamline data processing and retrieval to minimize the labor required to organize and process the data and turn it
into a useful information.
Our software products include applications that help individuals or businesses to organize their digital "inventory" (photos, music and other
files on their computers). Our extensive expertise encompasses a wide array of industries from litigation support (EDD/ESI) and appellate printing
through ecommerce (EDI). Sometimes through our consulting services we help to organize client's data without ever writing a single line of code.
But if we need to design a custom data solution, we are there to support our clients through every stage of the project from the design phase all
the way through an implementation and training. Whether you need help with a simple merge/manipulation of data files (.csv; .xml etc.) or a custom
database based solution, our experts can help you find/develop tools to organize your data or design and build a complete solution that fits your
particular needs.